Wednesday, September 26, 2007


It has been FAR too quiet on this blog.. c'mon SHAKE IT UP PEOPLE!!

Tell me NOTHING interesting has happened to Sarah in the last 2 weeks.. I do NOT believe it. Or is everyone just saving it for Thankshizzle in Vertizzle??!!

Either way, pre-tty lame-0 Folks!!

Interesting in my world - I saw a double rainbow yesterday over my house, I overcame a Huge fear of public speaking last week and shared my experience, strength and hope with a huge room full of people, I'm finally getting to read "Funny Boy" and I love it so far, I've applied for a part time job at Starbucks because I don't get to drink enough coffee throughout the day! and last but not least "Sweet Thang" (my car) got 4 new tires last week!

That's all from so flo yo - keep it real ma famille!


Anan said...

I'm with you, girl. BORING on the blog lately! Bet you didn't notice that I added a comment to your last post earlier this week. We're going to come down and visit you in December. For the timing of this happening event, check out my earlier post. XOXO Aunt Nancy
P.S. I LOVED Funny Boy. Did I give it to you?

Kirsten said...

Your life update was beautiful - double rainbows and proud moments. I will post now but it'll be boring and will likely revolve around my little filthy and toothless beast.

Kswizzle said...

Hey Anan - Yes, you gave me Funny Boy and I waited WAYY too long to pick it up. I absolutely LOVE it.. I cannot put it down! I can't wait to see you guys in December and I'd love for you guys to come see where I live! :)