Saturday, September 1, 2007

Saturday night

Hi all, We've been trying to hunt down the mouse running around the house that Angel and Teddie are playing with. Angel (the cat) loves to bring in the little critters through Teddie's (the dog) doggie door and then they play like little children. It (the mouse) is now hiding in the piano and we are thinking it's time to watch a Star Trek and just let it be. Perhaps tomorrow we (humans or animals) will capture the little guy and we'll bring him down the road to freedom as we did the last one...
Tyler's computer is water cooled with a radiator! It looks alive with blue colored tubes and red wrapped wiring. So cool.
Mo (the horse) really misses Kathryn, and so do we (the rest of us).
Have a good night all -
The NW Christensen's


Anan said...

Okay, so welcome to the Snoqualmie crew! First, I assume NW stands for North West? And C stands for Christensen. So what's with the J? And, thanks for finally adding some FUNK to the dysfunction. Good luck with the mouse in the piano. There might be a children's book there. Do you think it might be the very same mouse you set free last time? And how about a picture of Tyler's computer in action? XOXO Nancy

Unknown said...

I'm going to guess the J stands for Julie!

Andrew had a mouse in his apartment for a long time - it was a skilled climber and a seasoned chewer. It once scaled an entire hanging shoe organizer to rip the soles out of a pair of shoes. It also found a way to shimmy up between the wall and pantry to take big bites out of a fresh tomato and eat through a pack of hamburger buns and a loaf of bread. Then, one day, Andrew caught him in a box and chased him down to the basement after thwarting a series of escape attempts. Not one day later, things in his apartment were being chewed up again. The mouse found its way back home, up two flights of stairs. A mousetrap had to be employed, although now Andrew kind of regrets that tactic.

The moral is, if you want the mouse out of the house you have to send it to a better place.

Kswizzle said...

Sarah.. you are the funniest person related to me.. I'm dying reading your comments!!! :) NWAJ.. good luck with the Mouse!

Kirsten said...

I LOVE this thread. Not one thing I don't love about it, actually. Sarah's mouse tale (tail?) with a moral, to boot...too much!