Thursday, September 6, 2007

piano man

We celebrated Tom's birthday (a day early) tonight at 9th street. Also, Grandpa gave Anders his first baby grand piano, and it was very well-received!


Kswizzle said...

Tell me ALL about the cake immediately!!! The cake looks delicious and Our Piano Man is having himself a regular hootenanny! Jam on brother!


Kirsten said...

The cake was delicious. It was chocolate (as you could probably tell) and was dense and fudge-like. It was purchased by the very man who coined the term "trunkbigears" at Whole Foods. :)
Anders loved the piano, you're right. Such great form! ;)

Anonymous said...

Stop the presses--is Anders STANDING?? Why wasn't I alerted immediately??

He's grooving on those keys. Watch out Keith Jarret!

fish person (aka will) said... old is this dude