Sunday, September 2, 2007

News from Colorado

Hi everybody! I LOVE reading all about everyone's life--so here's what's happening in Colorado:
School started two weeks ago, and it has been HOPPING! Lots of very weird kindergarteners--Kirsten, please make sure you prepare your child adequately for the kindergarten experience well in advance. Actually, Anders is probably more ready now than some of these kids. The first day, we had a child who broke his arm so badly it was actually bent in half. An ugly sight. And at the other school, a child was hit in the head by a golf ball flying over from the adjacent golf course. An auspiscious beginning...but things are beginning to settle down a little.

It's been very hot and pretty dry (not unusual) and I really enjoy going out to the garden for some quiet time after all the school shenanigans. Bob and I went on a little trip to southern Colorado last weekend, and we saw a very strange rock castle built entirely by hand by one man over a 38 year period. The man's name is Jim Bishop and he is even stranger than the castle. Look it up on the web--I couldn't access the official website ( but there are others that showcase it. Bob and I climbed way, way up but we still didn't reach the top.

I am getting a new camera very soon and I will be posting pictures. When I learn how. I've been told it's ridiculously easy.

1 comment:

Kswizzle said...

Sounds like ALC had quite an adventurous first day of school! Sheesh!! Looking fwd to pics of this garden of yours!! :)