Thursday, September 6, 2007

Need a Name!

Okay, everyone. We're starting a new company, and we're looking for ideas for a name. Having put down Nancy Hall, Inc. and Hall Associates, we don't want anything with Hall in it. (And, alas, Hallmark, is already taken!) We don't want anything cutesy (since we're too old!) Book Studio is already taken, but that's the kind of name we're looking for. Right now we're thinking about The Book Shop. Anyone have any better ideas? XOXO Aunt Nancy


Unknown said...

Booktique? (As in boutique). Buktique? Stupid.

Hmm - Book-o-rama is probably out.

The Book Side of the Moon?

The Book Jumped over the Moon?

Hall of Books?

Hallowed Books?

All Hall's Books?

Kswizzle said...

I like The Book Shop although I would vote for The Book Jumped over the Moon - very cute! But we're not going for cute are we?

Is this going to be Children's books?

Need more adjectives.. ;)

Madgec said...

Book'em, Nano! (Hawaii 5-0)
Books are for Kids (Tricks are for kids)
The Bookshelf
Wee Library
(this is fun!) (but we do have cute!)

Anan said...

It isn't just books for kids. We are doing adult nonfiction, as well as juvenile, so we can't do anything too young. N.

Unknown said...

Juvenile Hall?

Kirsten said...

My personal fave so far is The Bookshelf!

Kswizzle said...

Love Juvenile Hall..

Anonymous said...

LOVE Juvie Hall but it's just too young.

Roundabout Press?

(As in you took your brainpower through "a circuitous route" to a new company.)

Anan said...

Okay, we have a couple of good ideas here. Juvie Hall is definitely the best, but we don't want the company to sound like it's just kids' books, and we don't want to use Hall in the name this time.

So far we have:

The Book Shop
The Bookshelf

Jonathan suggested Studio 35 (for our street address).

Amy's Roundabout Press is good, too. It doesn't need Book in the title.

So, it could get opened up to any word or words that sound good!

More ideas out there?
