Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Ghetto Supastaaz

Big ups to Kirsten for getting me rolling this am on the blog-O! :)

You might be thinking.. it's intersteing that Katrina picked a picture from last year to post along with her first blog - but I have my reasons.. so back off!

First of all, i'd like to thank all the pioneer bloggers who have paved the way for me - I completely appreciate and have thoroughly enjoyed everything i've read thus far. Props to savvy Sarah (409) for creating this piece..

Secondly, i'd like to make a blanket statement that I miss all of you guys very much! My life just isn't the same without the occasional family reunion or trip to Maine. I am super, SUPER excited for Thanksgiving this year and am patiently waiting Jonathan's instruction for booking my flights to Vermont. I don't know if anyone would be interested, but i'd love to go skiing/snowboarding this year (weather permitting) - so maybe we could discuss this? Also, Kirsten.. Zucchini Bread... we need to be creative this year - I have a feeling our mission is going to become a little more difficult for reasons I cannot disclose on this public forum.. Let's get those wheels in motion!

This past weekend I vacationed to NYC to visit my on again/off again boyfriend Derek Jeter. It was a nice visit.. we didn't have a lot of time to talk about our relationship because he was constantly getting up to bat or "playing the field"... but it was definitely really nice to see him. I think Amy, Mike and Leah would agree that things are starting to look up between the two of us. I've posted a picture of him trying to tell me something from the field... but I was actually walking away to go to the hot dog stand so we missed eachother. Again.
Well that's all for now. Sarah, sounds like you and Andrew had a great celebration! Very entertaining!! Keep em coming!!

1 comment:

Kirsten said...

Zucchini bread. Yum. Let's start scheming asap. Will leg warmers be involved? I certainly hope so. Give me a Z! Give me a U!