Sunday, August 12, 2007

first time for this low-techie


Thank you, Sarah, for putting this together. What's the story with the cab driver? Did you get in an accident?
The gardening news: tons of tomatoes, growing nicely. A real pumpkin patch with over a dozen fairly large pumpkins. If I really get good, will post a picture. Now THAT would be news! Cosmos (the tall pink flowers) and Russian Sage (tall purple flowers) are in abundance. Everything is gorgeous.
The school news: it starts up for teachers this coming week. I am trying to get up the energy to sift through all the school things I said I would do over the summer and do them. So far I have been able to procrastinate by doing a number of things around the house.
That's all the news. Really. Yawn. Think I'll take a nap.

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