Saturday, August 11, 2007

The Digital Family

The rumors are true: the family is going digital. We are officially choosing sides in the technological revolution, and this blog is our first stand.

So, here's the first post - things I learned today:
  • Babeland is not a baby clothing store.
  • Panino is the singular of panini (think bambino and bambini). My initial reaction was to scold establishments that pluralize "panini" to "paninis" until I did some further research and learned that the name of the grill that heats the sandwiches is also called a panini, and the menu item likely comes from the style of cooking.
  • Trina will be in NYC soon and will be attending a Yankees game - sweet!
  • Cab drivers don't pay insurance on their own cars - don't mess with them on the highways. They don't give a @#!* if they get in an accident.
So far, that's it. But the day's still fairly young - ok, off to take advantage of the beautiful day, my youth, and my awesome neighborhood.


1 comment:

Kirsten said...

Sarah, I am so glad you set this up for us! Fun!!! I am off to try to figure out how to post my own pix etc. (I know everyone is groaning since they've already seen enough Anders pix!) Hehehe. See if I care! :)