Friday, August 31, 2007

Happy Birthday, Sarah!

We had a great time pre-partying for Sarah's birthday here at 14th Street tonight. Lots of dis-FUNK-tion as always! :)

Blog Happy

Who is "The Old Guy" on our blog? Very sketchy that there isn't any profile information on him/her...


Hey Y'all,

Kathryn, great to hear you're settling well into college! How exciting!! Sounds like you girls have it made down in the basement... no stinky boys making a mess!! :)

Well folks, i'm home for my lunch break - no real news here.. it's Friday, and that's exciting. My puppy Sophie was spayed two days ago.. so she's just coming out from being in a medicated fog.. which was quite adorable to see.. :)

Recently, I was walking Sophie in my neighborhood and this crazy lady in a beat up Chevy veered her car into our path to ask me if Sophie was in fact a Bichon - to which I replied "Yes, as a matter of fact.. she is..". Crazy lady then pulled a xxxL tee shirt from the space in the back of her car that was supposed to be a back seat and threw it at me saying " I can't wear this I have a Chihauaua" and sped off into the sunset. It was all pretty surreal... but i'm going to take this time to photograph the tee shirt and attach it to this post..

You will all be very relieved to know that although I wear this shirt as much as possible.. my best friend is NOT my bichon frise.
Over and Out

College! Yikes!

Yay, I finally figured out how to post on this site! Nice job, it came out really well. Anyway, I'm off at WSU now, living the college life. It's all going really well so far. I like all my classes (I've got three science classes, which is a lot because it means three labs a week... but it's not too bad, at least not yet). I've settled into my dorm room. I've got a single room, which is nice, my own little place to come "home" to. I'm in the basement floor of a hall called Community and there are only four other rooms down here, so we've all gotten to know each other pretty well and we've got our little "basement girls" group, which is nice. At this point though, I'm glad it's Friday, and I'm looking forward to finding some fun stuff to do on campus for the three day weekend :D

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

1st annual med school reunion @ clearwater beach

Where's the funk, people???

So much for putting the funk in dysfunctional! This family stinks. I want you to know I check this blog once a day looking for good intel and every night I walk away with GOOSE EGG.

Not much is new here on 14th street. We're shaking the kid again this weekend and have dinner plans with the Nabers and Sarah & Andrew Friday night. Looking forward to that!

Anders had his first grapes (in a mesh feeder) today and boy did he go to town on those. LOVED them! His stomach bug has also finally passed. Full-fledged crawling and standing up (with assistance). But still no sign of teeth!

How are YOU guys Dugan???

Love, Kirsten

Saturday, August 25, 2007

The Graduate

Hey, guys! Anders completed his first Baby Belugas swim class this morning. He's gotten a lot better at kicking and has such a good time in the pool. :) We'll sign him up again for next semester's class, since we've all really enjoyed the experience and the teacher is wonderful. He's currently taking his post-Belugas nap and will then head over to 9th Street to see Grandma & Grandpa, who are taking him out for a visit with the Mimster. Hope everyone is doing well.
Love, Kirsten

Thursday, August 23, 2007


I have to use will's account, because I can't get onto mine!!!!!!!!!!!!Anybody with info about the mystery e-mail address please contact me!!!!!!!!!!
-Teeci (theresa)

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Speaking of lenses....

Hi all!! Just a little note - I've entered a photography contest with a photo that Amy and I captured at a Nature Preserve we visited in Florida. It's pretty cool! Go to and search by my name. I'm entered under my full name, there's another Katrina Christensen with a pretty cool photo, but mine is Katrina Theresa Christensen.

:) Let me know what you think and if you can vote please do!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


It's Patsy's pizza night!!!

Ginny Weasly

Ginny is meeee!!!!!!!! (theresa)

ty start blogging

ty you have to start blogging

I Need Glasses (vote)

I just found out I need glasses. How old were all of you when you needed glasses? Vote yes/no for yellow rectangular glasses for me. Will.

Ghetto Supastaaz

Big ups to Kirsten for getting me rolling this am on the blog-O! :)

You might be thinking.. it's intersteing that Katrina picked a picture from last year to post along with her first blog - but I have my reasons.. so back off!

First of all, i'd like to thank all the pioneer bloggers who have paved the way for me - I completely appreciate and have thoroughly enjoyed everything i've read thus far. Props to savvy Sarah (409) for creating this piece..

Secondly, i'd like to make a blanket statement that I miss all of you guys very much! My life just isn't the same without the occasional family reunion or trip to Maine. I am super, SUPER excited for Thanksgiving this year and am patiently waiting Jonathan's instruction for booking my flights to Vermont. I don't know if anyone would be interested, but i'd love to go skiing/snowboarding this year (weather permitting) - so maybe we could discuss this? Also, Kirsten.. Zucchini Bread... we need to be creative this year - I have a feeling our mission is going to become a little more difficult for reasons I cannot disclose on this public forum.. Let's get those wheels in motion!

This past weekend I vacationed to NYC to visit my on again/off again boyfriend Derek Jeter. It was a nice visit.. we didn't have a lot of time to talk about our relationship because he was constantly getting up to bat or "playing the field"... but it was definitely really nice to see him. I think Amy, Mike and Leah would agree that things are starting to look up between the two of us. I've posted a picture of him trying to tell me something from the field... but I was actually walking away to go to the hot dog stand so we missed eachother. Again.
Well that's all for now. Sarah, sounds like you and Andrew had a great celebration! Very entertaining!! Keep em coming!!

Sunday, August 19, 2007


I am so happy that Trunkbigears webite concept has come to life. Thanks, Sarah. And I love your lastest entry... just wanted it to go on and on- but please go easy on the brooding hipsters.

More incredibly interesting news to follow.

The Original UB

Good News/Bad News

So this week has been a roller coaster for me! Friday was my bosses last day, so we'll see how the regime change goes. I'm certainly praying for smooth sailing... Also on Friday I came home to find our apartment burgled. They got three laptops (mine and both roommates) an I-pod, and - here's the weird part - the one expensive ring that was in a tray of my roommates' jewelry. There were dozens of rings in this tray, and they found the one expensive piece. Pro? Inside job?

They came in through the front door. Most of the five cops that came through my apartment between 2pm when I got home and 7 pm when they finally dusted for fingerprints thought they used a key, although I distinctly remember that the keyhole was at a strange angle - horizontal instead of vertical - when I arrived home. Other than that, there were no signs of forced entry. We thought someone picked the lock, but the cops said that didn't occur much outside of Hollywood. In the course of these discussions I found out that one roommate has let in subletters when she's vacationed and more people have had keys to my apartment than waited in line for the new Harry Potter!

Anyway, as of yet the crime remains unsolved. It's just "things" (and weeks of unbacked up freelance work for me) and we're lucky no one was hurt, but the violation and invasion of privacy certainly resonates in me deeply. The lock has been changed, which is somewhat reassuring.

The good news is we celebrated Andrew's birthday yesterday and it was awesome. We started out around 4 with some bruschetta, chips, fruit kabobs and cookies and everyone lounged and munched on the snacks. Then, as more people arrived, we began a crazy game of wiffle ball with no team assignments and only a loosely organized batting order and point system. I think hitting some hipsters brooding nearby with a foul ball scored a higher number of points than any other event during the whole game. Then we played flag football for about half an hour.

It was fun, but interrupted by some massive NYPD activity. A couple of cops jumped the fence in our area of sheep meadow and arrested a guy who was clearly out of place - everyone else was wearing shorts, t-shirts, polos - this guy was wearing a black button up and long sleeves. We decided he was either a Colombian drug dealer or a pervert who exposed himself to people out on the field. The police force used to apprehend the guy certainly suggested the former - two regular police cars, two undercover cars, a couple of bike cops, and a parking scooter all rushed to the scene. Totally exciting!

The flag football just seemed anti-climactic after that, so we bailed and folded up our picnic. We walked a few blocks to an awesome bar called Dive 75 which had delicious beers and a myriad of board games. We played a little Connect Four and then some Taboo. For some inconceivable reason a patron or employee had removed the batteries from the beepers, so we relied on the honor system, although some players were better than others at adhering to the rules (note to family - watch Andrew like a hawk at Bates). After we bored of Taboo we headed a few blocks to Brother Jimmy's for some delicious North Carolina-style BBQ, hush puppies and a couple of ridiculous beverages that came in a fishbowl with a half dozen straws and a plastic alligator.

So, sorry for the novel! That's this weekend's events so far - more good than bad I have to say. I will post pictures of the party when I get them back , and if you see my laptop in a pawn shop please let me know!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Bon Voyage, James!

Tom, Anders & I had a lovely evening outside in the oval with James last night. We'll definitely miss him when he moves to Illinois on Friday!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Kathryn’s graduation

Look what I found in Trunkbigears—but not the blog site. Enjoy!


Nice work Sarah! The site is very cool! You are so technologically saavy. . .

Lets' see--Brooklyn news . . . Mike and I recently moved to a new apartment in Fort Greene, Brookyln. We love it. It has a garage and a storage room and a roof deck. I've attached some pictures . . .We are replacing the black and white checkered flooring at Bonnie's. The finished product will be a polished, poured-concrete look. We're hoping it will make the space look bigger, stay cleaner, and last longer than the last tiles did (7 years is not bad, however). That's happening in a few weeks. . . I made my third soup for Bonnie's--a lentil and escarole--that will go on sale starting tomorrow. So be sure to check the postings under "Bonnie's" at to see how the lives of many Park Slope soup-eating residents are about to be changed forever. . . And last, but certainly not least, Trina's coming into town this weekend for a short but sweet visit to GWL and then a Yankees game on Saturday with phenomenal seats via Plaza Construction (thanks Dad!). Can't wait!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Harry Potter Party

Hi all,

Big news for us was that, just in time for the Midnight Magic party at Barnes & Noble, Ginny Weasley and her friend, Luna, came to spend the weekend with us!


News from 14th Street

Hey, everyone! Here's all the news that's fit to print from 14th street: Tom ran a 1/2 marathon last weekend. His goal was to come in at 2 hours, and his actual time was 1:58:30! His training paid off and Anders and I were quite proud. :) I've seen a lot of the local cuzzies recently. I greatly enjoyed my panino/panini lunch with Sarah & Andrew & the Aimster on Saturday. And Sarah's "minimalist" apartment is adorable. James stopped by two weeks ago, when work was slow, to help me prepare a lovely ravioli picnic dinner. Can't believe he's moving so soon to Illinois! And Anne joined me & Tom for a Mexican dinner in the West Village on Saturday night, where we enjoyed the best cheese-covered corn on the face of the earth, and after which we kicked some serious billiard butt. (Ta-ta, Ta!) Grandma & Grandpa had Anders this weekend - it was our first full weekend without the kid. They took him out to LI where rumor has it he was thrilled by my Uncle Jacques & Aunt MaryAnn's pool and spent most of the day drinking its water. Above is the little man, dressed up to cheer on his Daddy at the run. Well, that's all for today. Sarah - thanks so much for setting this up! You rock! Love, Kirsten


Mom, please post pictures of the garden. Please?! You can take them with your cell phone. Dan can show you how.

Here's another awesome picture from San Diego; it was so much fun!

Ok, off to work - first Monday without the intern, last Monday with my current boss. They say changes come in three's - can't wait to see what the third will be :)

Sunday, August 12, 2007

first time for this low-techie


Thank you, Sarah, for putting this together. What's the story with the cab driver? Did you get in an accident?
The gardening news: tons of tomatoes, growing nicely. A real pumpkin patch with over a dozen fairly large pumpkins. If I really get good, will post a picture. Now THAT would be news! Cosmos (the tall pink flowers) and Russian Sage (tall purple flowers) are in abundance. Everything is gorgeous.
The school news: it starts up for teachers this coming week. I am trying to get up the energy to sift through all the school things I said I would do over the summer and do them. So far I have been able to procrastinate by doing a number of things around the house.
That's all the news. Really. Yawn. Think I'll take a nap.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

The Digital Family

The rumors are true: the family is going digital. We are officially choosing sides in the technological revolution, and this blog is our first stand.

So, here's the first post - things I learned today:
  • Babeland is not a baby clothing store.
  • Panino is the singular of panini (think bambino and bambini). My initial reaction was to scold establishments that pluralize "panini" to "paninis" until I did some further research and learned that the name of the grill that heats the sandwiches is also called a panini, and the menu item likely comes from the style of cooking.
  • Trina will be in NYC soon and will be attending a Yankees game - sweet!
  • Cab drivers don't pay insurance on their own cars - don't mess with them on the highways. They don't give a @#!* if they get in an accident.
So far, that's it. But the day's still fairly young - ok, off to take advantage of the beautiful day, my youth, and my awesome neighborhood.
