Thursday, September 27, 2007

Kir's world

Hey, guys!

I'm in agreement with Katrina - not enough posts lately. So I'm here to add my own dose of funk.

I'm heading out of town for a little over a week and am very excited. Tom & Anders and I are leaving Saturday morning and heading up north. I'll spend a night in Providence, a night in Marblehead Mass, and then a full week in Newport (with Tom coming back to the city for the work week and re-joining me for the following weekend).

Anders is doing well. Still no teeth, though! He took several steps behind his toy car / walker today which was very exciting. He also spent many hours playing with his grandpa who tired him out to the point he couldn't even make it to his bedtime - not to mention his room was trashed. (Possibly Grandpa's revenge on Anders's Mommy for all those high school parties?) ;)

Hope everyone is doing well. Let's get some new updates from others, too, eh?

Love, Kirsten

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


It has been FAR too quiet on this blog.. c'mon SHAKE IT UP PEOPLE!!

Tell me NOTHING interesting has happened to Sarah in the last 2 weeks.. I do NOT believe it. Or is everyone just saving it for Thankshizzle in Vertizzle??!!

Either way, pre-tty lame-0 Folks!!

Interesting in my world - I saw a double rainbow yesterday over my house, I overcame a Huge fear of public speaking last week and shared my experience, strength and hope with a huge room full of people, I'm finally getting to read "Funny Boy" and I love it so far, I've applied for a part time job at Starbucks because I don't get to drink enough coffee throughout the day! and last but not least "Sweet Thang" (my car) got 4 new tires last week!

That's all from so flo yo - keep it real ma famille!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Will's Glasses

here are my glasses check they are green on the in side&black on the outside POWWWWWWWWWWWWWW SHOKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Week in Wisconsin

Tom, Anders & I just returned from a week in Wisconsin. We spent most of the time in Madison but also went to Tom's parents' cottage for a couple of days. It was pretty cold out there, but we managed to get in some nice runs, a trip to the zoo, a boat ride, and Anders even rode his first John Deere. Hope everyone else is doing well. Love, Kirsten

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Katrizzle's Pad in So Florida yo

Hey Guys, this is our new patio - I think Amy's the only person who's ever seen the before, but I thought I'd copy Sarah and showcase my house a bit - the Top left picture is our Water Heater Post inferno! Mom - check out our new plants outside!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Trouble with a capital "T"

FL update.. Sophie and Noodle are causing trouble on my bed. Everyone meet Sophie my Bichon who also doubles as my best friend, and Noodle the raucous black/white kitten.
So..... earlier today my roommates and I smelled smoke in our condo.... we opened the door under our stairs that leads to our electrical box and hot water heater only to meet billows of smoke. We called 911 and some very friendly, cute and helpful fire fighters came immediately - apparently our hot water heater caught on fire (or something like that.. I was on animal patrol so I was a bit preoccupied in our front lawn..). We had already turned off the power before they got there, but they turned it back on and unplugged our h2O heater - then they fanned out the place and hung around for about 45 minutes asking us how we all knew eachother, etc. It was kinda scary but we're all ok. Now i'm hanging with the babies on my bed and thought i'd share some cute wwf type photos.
And yes, Sophie is sporting her favorite Polo tee. She loves that thing!
Over and out from South of the border!

Friday, September 7, 2007

Photo download Lesson (thanks K)

Katrina & Leah ------>

This is Prince Ton

Amy and Lucy ^

5 Day Pea Detox Diet

What do you think, Kirsten?

Pea Detox Diet

I like peas...

Finally! Madge finds the Magic.....

Finally! And I did it all by myself! It's been great reading the blog and I especially love all the photos. What a great idea!
Greewood Lake News- We have a new cat that sleeps at our door (he is NOT coming in) and has adopted us. His/her name is Prince Ton as he/she is black and orange. He looks abused and is very scrawny and actually not handsome at all. Poor thing.
Nephew Jason arrives this weekend and we will no longer be empty nesters. He will be residing in our guest room for a while as JDC has gotten him a job with Plaza. He's very nervous and has never been away from home before so this is a real ordeal for him.
Monet's Garden is starting to sad! We got a lot of gardening projects done this summer and JDC is still splitting the fallen huge Pin Oak that will eventually get us three cords of wood, he thinks.
Katrina's visit here with Leah in August was too fast but we loved seeing them! Amy got here last month, too, for a nice overnight visit with Lucy. It was supposed to be a sewing lesson but we only got to the part about buying LOTS of fabric! :-)

Thursday, September 6, 2007

piano man

We celebrated Tom's birthday (a day early) tonight at 9th street. Also, Grandpa gave Anders his first baby grand piano, and it was very well-received!

Need a Name!

Okay, everyone. We're starting a new company, and we're looking for ideas for a name. Having put down Nancy Hall, Inc. and Hall Associates, we don't want anything with Hall in it. (And, alas, Hallmark, is already taken!) We don't want anything cutesy (since we're too old!) Book Studio is already taken, but that's the kind of name we're looking for. Right now we're thinking about The Book Shop. Anyone have any better ideas? XOXO Aunt Nancy

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

My apartment

For my parents, and anyone else who has not yet seen my apartment...

This is my air conditioner:

This is my living room and deer decor:

My bedroom:

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Big Boy

I finally met a dog I wasn't scared of today.
See? :)
Love, Anders

News from Colorado

Hi everybody! I LOVE reading all about everyone's life--so here's what's happening in Colorado:
School started two weeks ago, and it has been HOPPING! Lots of very weird kindergarteners--Kirsten, please make sure you prepare your child adequately for the kindergarten experience well in advance. Actually, Anders is probably more ready now than some of these kids. The first day, we had a child who broke his arm so badly it was actually bent in half. An ugly sight. And at the other school, a child was hit in the head by a golf ball flying over from the adjacent golf course. An auspiscious beginning...but things are beginning to settle down a little.

It's been very hot and pretty dry (not unusual) and I really enjoy going out to the garden for some quiet time after all the school shenanigans. Bob and I went on a little trip to southern Colorado last weekend, and we saw a very strange rock castle built entirely by hand by one man over a 38 year period. The man's name is Jim Bishop and he is even stranger than the castle. Look it up on the web--I couldn't access the official website ( but there are others that showcase it. Bob and I climbed way, way up but we still didn't reach the top.

I am getting a new camera very soon and I will be posting pictures. When I learn how. I've been told it's ridiculously easy.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Saturday night

Hi all, We've been trying to hunt down the mouse running around the house that Angel and Teddie are playing with. Angel (the cat) loves to bring in the little critters through Teddie's (the dog) doggie door and then they play like little children. It (the mouse) is now hiding in the piano and we are thinking it's time to watch a Star Trek and just let it be. Perhaps tomorrow we (humans or animals) will capture the little guy and we'll bring him down the road to freedom as we did the last one...
Tyler's computer is water cooled with a radiator! It looks alive with blue colored tubes and red wrapped wiring. So cool.
Mo (the horse) really misses Kathryn, and so do we (the rest of us).
Have a good night all -
The NW Christensen's

Such as...

Miss Teen USA - at least she's pretty...

This is the first of my birthday celebrations. It occurred Sunday, August 26. Heidi, Christy, Henry, Haley, me and Andrew. Weirdly and a little embarrassingly, I'm wearing the exact same outfit as in the pictures from Kirsten's last night. Just thought I'd point that out...

Anyway, we got together at Whole Foods, picked out some great food, and then went across the street to the Liz Christy community garden - - it was so much fun and a beautiful way to spend a Sunday.

Join Us

Okay, for any of you voyeurs out there who are reading the posts, but still struggling with how to post your own, go to:

If you still can't get on the blog, just respond to this entry, and I'm sure you'll get help from one of the techies.

Then save this address in your favorites for future reference!Highland Mills, Greenwood Lake, and Snoqualmie are MIA!