Saturday, November 15, 2008

Bonnie's Shout-Out on Law & Order

Here's an email we got from a Citysearch user:

Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2008 19:08:42 -0800
Subject: Message from a CITYSEARCH
user: Bonnie's Just Mentioned on Law and Order
To: Bonnie'
Infosite Market: BrooklynInfosite E-mail:
Message: Hey, Just thought you'd like to know that Bonnie's Grill was mentioned in the opening scene of Law and Order tonight (11/12/08). Pretty cool. I guess the writers like your spot as much as I do!
Cheers, Mike


Unknown said...

Holy cow, that's awesome! What episode? I want to watch it immediately!

Madgec said...

Totally Awesome!

Anan said...

How cool is that? it's enough to make me start watching television. Or, even better, it's enough to make me want to get over to Bonnie's again sometime soon! Congratulations!

Laurie said...

You have hit the big time. Interesting that the same show's star lives in Aunt Nancy's apartment building--coincidence??

I'm excited to EAT at Bonnie's this Christmas vacation, instead of just visiting.
Love you guys!
Aunt Laurie