Thursday, May 15, 2008

Best Pulled Pork Sandwich in Time Out New York Magazine!

Hey All--

Mike and I are excited to let you all know that we were voted best Pulled Pork Sandwich in Time Out New York Magazine. (I tried to scan the article and post it but it came out too grainy to read.) The review appears at the bottom of page 24. The picture on the page is our sandwich!





Unknown said...

Congratulations!!!! Sounds so delicious!

Andrew said...

dang, last time we were there we're all "i wonder if anybody ever orders the pulled pork sandwich... but why would they when they could just eat the burger..."

i'll have to eat it. pork is the best meat.

Kirsten said...

I just read the article. CONGRATS!!! And the picture looks gorgeous. I'll be curious to hear how this affects your sales over the course of the next few months! Love, Kirsten

Madgec said...

Of course it's the BEST! Congrats to Bonnies, Mike and Amy and the whole crew! I should have had the pulled pork instead of a burger but that was delicious, too! I'll definitely be back to try the pork! I hear there are some new cool salads to be had as well. Hugs, M.

Anan said...

Congratulations! And I didn't even know there was a pulled pork sandwich competition going on! Kudos to the chef!

Aunt Nancy