Monday, March 17, 2008

Never mind

Okay, so remember that Mud Run? I was doing really well with my training. (Laurie said I looked like Rocky when I came back from running when she was staying with me.) But then I started having all of this neck pain. After my first MRI ever, they discovered I had arthritis in my spine, stenosis, etc. But the big news was the herniated disc pushing the nerve into the bone, probably exacerbated by the pounding away on the treamill.

Anyway, I definitely do not promise to start acting my age, but it looks like I won't be doing the Mud Run after all. I shall, however, attempt to distinguish myself in physical therapy!

:( Anan

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's the worst. You are in the most amazing shape, though, and I'm sure you'll heal quickly and put your pt cohorts to shame.