Friday, February 1, 2008

The Handsome Baby Boy Fu

Move over Anders - there's another handsome baby boy in town ;)

This is Baby Boy Fu (the doctor said it was probably a boy although it's hard to tell and there's a large margin of error at only 12 and a half weeks). I think he looks just like Andrew and he's clearly very happy, smart and sophisticated. He moves around quite a bit and is the most perfect thing I've ever seen in my life. We love him so much!

We're working on names, although according to Andrew all the names I've suggested are "silly" (Jeremy), "stupid" (Elliott), or "boring" (Anthony)... It looks like we'll have to get the 100,000 name baby book after all!


Andrew said...

I didn't say Jeremy was silly, I said people named Jeremy are silly!

As for the other two, yes, that's pretty much what I said...

Anan said...

I'm seeing a bit of Danny there in this beautiful little profile!

Aunt Nancy

Kirsten said...

Anders is totally prepared to move over in order to make room for this hottie! He is already gorgeous - he looks like a combination of Andrew and Danny to me. So interesting. Anyway, I can't wait to meet and hold the little guy. And I have a sneaking suspicion that some day he and Anders will be causing lots of trouble on these here streets! Love, Kirsten