Saturday, October 20, 2007

Peter's First Trail Ride!

Hey all! Kathryn's home for the weekend, and she and Mo took Dad on his first trail ride today. The weather could have been better, but they had much fun. Then we came home and carved pumpkins. Ty took the PSAT this morning. It was a good day.


Kswizzle said...

Wow, those pumpkins are pretty good, probably the best i've ever seen! Very cool guys! :)

Kirsten said...

Looks like a great day, indeed! What an artistic bunch you are - those pumpkins look like professional pumpkin-carver work. Love, Kirsten

Anan said...

And congrats to Tyler for finally posting! Hope to see you up there more often going forward. Guess you felt good about the SATs, given that you put them on the list of things that made this a good day!

Love,Aunt Nancy