Friday, October 12, 2007

Greetings from the Midwest

Obviously we are bit late to this blog, but better late than never? We are enjoying life in "corn country" aka Champaign , IL. James is doing well in his classes but seems to be getting busier by the minute. I am working in a special ed classroom at a local high school and am really enjoying it. As you heard from Anne, my fabulous bridesmaid, James and I are engaged! We do not have any plans as of yet, but hope to have the date and location set by Thanksgiving. We can't wait to see everyone then!

This picture is of James and me at a Red Sox/White Sox game in Chicago in August. Sorry about the Yanks Uncle Joe, but Go Sox!


Anonymous said...


Congrats to James, and welcome aboard Lauren! Best news of the month.

As far as your Sox go, I think that in the end, it will Uncle Bob that you'll be trying to avoid at the Mansion next month. They're pretty hot- have won 18 of their last 19 games since September.

Lolly said...

Believe me, I am worried about Big Papi running the bases in that thin Denver air!

Kirsten said...

Welcome to TBE, Lauren!
And CONGRATULATIONS! I can't wait to celebrate in VT.
Love, Kirsten

Anan said...

Great pic. You guys look terrific. We're very happy that Lauren is joining the family!

Aunt Nancy

Anonymous said...

Hooray!! WHat exceelent news! Mike and I are so happy for you guys.

Anonymous said...

Hooray! Mike and I are so excited about your news!

Anonymous said...

ok--I was SO excited by the engagement news I accidentally posted TWO comments saying so. Just goes to show how excited we really are!

Unknown said...

I'm almost as excited as Amy ;) - WAHOO!!!