Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Biggest News to Hit TrunkBigEars Yet...

Welllllll since my good brother James is technologically/blogologically challenged I have to do his announcing for him soooo,


As of this past weekend my brother and Lauren are engaged! The ring is just gorge and that's about all the info I know as of now, but feel free to harass them at Thanksgiving for more details. It's all very exciting!

Anyhooo, nothing too new and excting from my end, but we did beat the number two team in the nation on Saturday! Go Dips! Check out the NCAA news link.. Annddd feel free to check the Diplomats website for some sweet pics of my roommates being amazing at field hockey and me cheering them on from the sideline! I do have 2 goals on the season though (worst 2 teams we play, but minor details.. minor details). Ok, that might be all for now. Hope all is well with the fam fam and I'll post something soon when I do something cool.

Love to all!



Unknown said...

Wahoo!!! Congratulations James and Lauren - how exciting!

Madgec said...

Great News James and Lauren! We look forward to hearing details at Thanksgiving SOOOO.....hopefully you will have some by then? Thanks for publishing the news, Anne! Congrats on your two goals!

Kswizzle said...

Congratulations James and Lauren!! I'm so happy for you two!!! :) I love you guys!!