Monday, March 17, 2008

Never mind

Okay, so remember that Mud Run? I was doing really well with my training. (Laurie said I looked like Rocky when I came back from running when she was staying with me.) But then I started having all of this neck pain. After my first MRI ever, they discovered I had arthritis in my spine, stenosis, etc. But the big news was the herniated disc pushing the nerve into the bone, probably exacerbated by the pounding away on the treamill.

Anyway, I definitely do not promise to start acting my age, but it looks like I won't be doing the Mud Run after all. I shall, however, attempt to distinguish myself in physical therapy!

:( Anan

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Baby Broge #1

I figured I should add a little something about Baby Broge #1, too - don't want to play favorites!
Anders is doing wonderfully - occasionally staging hunger strikes, still saying NO 100+ times a day, very into scary-looking animals and saying ROAR whenever he sees them, and he has a new nanny named Marylene who is great and is trying to teach him to blow kisses and say THANK YOU (which comes out mumbled and sounds a lot like thekyew at the moment - but, hey, it's a good start!). Here he is below on Friday at the playground. Already giving me a glimpse into how he'll be looking at me in his teenage years... ;) Love, Kirsten

Baby Broge #2

Had our first ultrasound yesterday and the little guy/girl (we'll find out with certainty at our 20 week ultrasound) is a thumb-sucker! It was so cute and I think it looks a lot like Anders did in his 12 week ultrasound pic - totally same profile. :) Hope everyone's well. Love, Kirsten