Thursday, January 31, 2008

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Feb 17

I don't have much to say, other than that I am so glad TBE is back in black - and I can't WAIT to see everyone on February 17! What a wonderful celebration it's going to be! (And, of course, I'm looking forward to seeing any and all out-of-towners who are available on the front and back end of that weekend!) Love, Kirsten

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Lots of changes coming soon


Check out this website!


Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Mud Run

Hi all,

Tom Broge and I just signed up for the Camp Pendleton Mud Run in San Diego on June 7. From what I understand, it is a 10k run. The first couple of miles are a normal run, then you start running into mud, haystacks, tires, walls to scale (with some Marines nearby in case you can't get over), 100 meters of really muddy water to swim through, etc. It does sound a bit bizarre, but I think it will definitely be fun.

Anyone who wants to join us, here's the link:

Happy New Year to everyone,
Aunt Nancy

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Happy 2008!

Happy New Year y'all! We had a great holiday and hope you did, too. As you can see we had our loved ones home and all was well! I'm glad we've picked up the threads of the blog was pretty abandoned there for a while! :-) Love, Madge

Happy New Year

Hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year's.

Thanks to Sarah, I'm back in the blog log.

And thanks to Anne, the guys have all they need for the Hummel Draft '08. (Call me crazy, but I'm thinking of taking a chance on that injured one!)

Back to you soon. Go Giants tomorrow vs. Tampa Bay


Friday, January 4, 2008

Belly Laughing

See Anders Laugh:

Thursday, January 3, 2008


Hello Christensen Fam!

I am currently sitting at a little cafe, mooching off their wireless internet and I received the belly laughs video (AMAZING) and it inspired me to check out trunkbigears. I feel as though our little blog is outdated, so I thought I would make a posting. I hope everyone had a great holiday. My whole family was home for Christmas and I got to see Katrina, which was fabulous. New Years was pretty low-key, but fun all around and in honor of the new year, I thought we should all share our new years resolution. I have two, one of which is pretty daunting....

1) Find a little thing called a job in the next four months. (Katrina and I have also decided that after we are financially secure, we are going to go save the world..any interest UT?)

and now for the more challenging one...

2) I want some point during 2008.. post a video/picture of myself, or another family member, on trunkbigears that is cuter than anything Anders has previously posted.

Katrina..Sarah..anyone? You in? Come on, he hasn't even really started talking yet.

Ok, done for real. I think the cafe is getting a little sick of me (been here for 5 hours and only ordered a coffee). Love to everyone and best wishes for a happy, healthy and fabulous 2008!!! We all know it's gonna be a good year because we have a wedding to close it out!

Love, Anne