Monday, November 26, 2007

Video Needed

Hi fam! Another successful Thanksgiving - so much fun!

I am searching for a video that was made of my dad and Will playing the bongos with noise makers. It was fabulous and I'd like to use it for a school project. Maybe Aunt Barbara took it?

I will be forever indebted it if I could get that video sometime this week - I'll owe the cinematographer a big, big favor :)

Thanks - it was so great to see everyone!


Sunday, November 11, 2007

A recent Sunday walk

Hi all--can't wait until Thanksgiving. Bob and I recently went on a beautiful walk one Sunday--thought you might like to see where we went.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Halloween with Pooh

Anders had a great first Halloween! Stuy Town really took the holiday up a notch this year - with horse- drawn carriages, a corn maze, hundreds of costumed kiddies, apple cider stands, etc. It was a great day and night and we were glad to be joined by Grandma and "Pops," as always. Hope you all had fun this Halloween, too. Love, Kirsten